Forum Rules

Updated: 31st July 2013

Forum Rules

Postby admin » Thu May 06, 2010 7:15 am

Welcome to our community. We have set out some simple rules to make sure that this forum remains a welcoming and pleasant place to visit and participate.

  1. You need to register to enter, view and participate in the forum.

  2. You must be an adult (over 18 years old) before participating in this forum. Anyone who is or claims to be under the age of 18 will have their account suspended.

  3. This forum is NOT for anyone who wishes to post stories, images or videos involving anyone under the age of 18. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not tolerate this material being shared and will terminate your account without warning, and all of your posts will be routinely and utterly purged from the forum. It's a simple enough rule, but we have to be tough. We may all have uncommon interests, but that sort of material does not belong here and never will.

  4. No foul language, offensive, threatening or aggressive behaviour will be tolerated. You'll be warned once, do it again and you'll be banned.

  5. Please support the original content producers![b] No posts requesting trades of copyrighted material, no posts of links to websites containing illegal copyrighted material. No posts requesting copyrighted material to be posted or asking where such copyrighted material can be illegally obtained. You'll be warned once, do it again and you'll be banned.

  6. Do not upload pictures for which you do not have permission to copy, these could include, but are not limited to pictures from other websites including pay-sites. If you are in doubt, instead of posting the picture just link to the website where you discovered it. Do not post usernames and passwords to other sites or links to copyrighted material. Doing so may get you banned.

  7. Do not upload any pictures or videos of children. Such posts will be immediately deleted. If you cannot prove that the person in the photo is over the age of 18 DO NOT upload it. No links to videos or pictures of children. Break this rule and you'll be banned.

  8. Stay on topic, this is a place to discuss girls in gear, not politics, religion etc.

  9. No gratuitous advertising, spamming or off-topic subjects, do so and you'll be banned.

  10. Use of the For Sale section is at your own risk, we cannot be held responsible for any transactions carried out in the For Sale section.

    The following items are NOT permitted in the For Sale section:

    1. Professional Sellers
    2. Compilation Tapes or DVDs
    3. Image and/or Video collections
    4. Items not related to the general areas covered by this forum

  11. If you like a post, please let us know by using the thumbs up button on the top right of each post. If you feel there is a post that is breaking the forum rules let us know by clicking on the exclamation mark (!) icon at the top right of each post.

PRODUCERS: We welcome on-topic posts from any producers of material that fits the general vibe of this board. Promoting your website, products or service is acceptable as long as it is not gratuitous (e.g. announcing every update you make to your website). Please contact admin to have your account turned into a VIP Producer account.

Please check back here from time to time as we will undoubtably modify and add to these rules from time to time. Thanks for your understanding.
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